Jan Christensen is an artist from Norway, based in Berlin, and doing a residency in Norway at the moment also. So he travels a bit and he's doing painting, video, music. He left art school in 2000. He has a very clear understanding of the artworld and thinks the market is overheated.
Born to parents who made a fortune in shipping in the late 60s, Jan is the one-man party, author function-umbrella under which we all try to hide. When he is not conducting experiments on the nature and practice of various forms of value he enjoys dragging people off to join weird cults from which no individualized personality ever escapes, drinking Jinro and flyfishing. He has a remarkable ability to make the flies feel that they are important, if disposable, actors in a creative game in which process is what matters, not the final display of fish on the table.
He is currently in the market for a videocamera, a JVC GZ-HD7EX, and his next project will be to direct the movie "Jim Jil Bangers 17" starring his old friend, and longtime adult-actor, Leif Magne Tangen (who is joining us in Seoul for the 195-project next week.)
His most recent exhibitions include Tempo Skien, Initialraum (Münster) "Believers and Illusionists at R.T. Hansen (Berlin). He is the main artistic supervisor of Kunstverein Privaten Zimmer.
Jan is also dyslexic but has managed to overcome this obstacle to make great sucess as a textbased artist.
I see this is tagged with 'History teller', does this have anything to do with Historyteller, Curated by Raimar Stange?
I agree Randi, it must be. I am sure it does. All well in Oslo?
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