Wednesday, 18 July 2007

My appreciation

Dear everyone,

I would just like to say thank you for your collaboration, generousity, hospitality and enthusiasm. Even after our departure from Seoul, I have enjoyed following the blog and appreciated all your kind words and poetry! Even seeing all the collaborative labour that you have put into the de-installation of the exhibition makes me happy. I have been happy to see so many people become friends. This has all been very inspiring.

It is interesting to see how we all have been able to realize the full potential and effect of our intense time together only afterwards - I am thinking of all your blog greetings and the entries by Power and Erlend, which represent insight and appreciation that could only be understood after stepping back from the social maelstrom which we were part of during the Yeonhee-dong project.

I'd say that this trip to Seoul was one of the best times of my life. It was hectic and hard, but it was so much fun, wonderful people and friends, amazing food, endless nights, saunas, hotels, parties, more food, work, meetings, encounters, shopping and much more.

I hope that we will somehow all be able to meet again somewhere soon... let's all keep in touch.

I will finish a preface and the photo collage (with Bjørn) for the poster-publication. Then I am going to follow the preparations to the Seoul City Museum-project. I am sure that you will all make more out of that than we ever managed to do in three weeks in Yeonhee-dong!

Thank you everybody.

Always, Jan

Deinstalling: Part 4 final!!

Deinstalling: Part3

Deinstalling: Part2

Deinstalling: Part1

Sooho, Junho, Junho's painter friend, Taeeun, Taeeun's friend and Changhyun (Daniel) came to help us to deinstall the whole show....and our neighbor (security gear guy) joined later eve to clean up. reall really thank you for all of your help!! esp security gear guy cos he arranged taking the bricks away for Junho and he is also keeping the MDF boards and trestles in his storage for next show in case we might need them. isnt it sounds perfect collaboration?!