I'm not as witty like Jan but I'll continue with the photo blogging today - about what Erlend, Jooyoung and I did while Bjørn and Jan were at the gallery starting to paint walls and stuff.
Ju Hyun Cho of the Seoul Museum of Art. She is preparing a show that will open late August that will include our Yeonhee-Dong project. We visited her and had a look at the space of the Museum where the project will be installed.
Here it is - quite vast, with walls that is removable.
Erlend tries to explain something...
"Hmm, yeah, very interesting indeed! But what do you mean exactly?"
"That there are people making the show and there is a blog and then there are people seeing the show and the process of the show via the blog out there you know...!"
We went to see a great show curated by John Armleder at the Mongin art Center with Francis Baudevin, Stéephane Dafflon, Philippe Decrauzat, Fabrice Gygi, Stéphane kropf, Balthazar Lovay, Olivier Mosset, Mai-Thu Perret, Michael Scott, Blair Thurman and John Tremblay.
And then, upstairs, a solo show with John Armleder himself...
And then we hit the galleries... some Spanish art...
Wherever in the world that you travel, there is no way of escaping either Julian Opie or Liam Gillick. They are like the Starbuck's of the art world.
We never really figured out what a museum for "chicken art" is, or whatever chicken art consists of but... there is obviously a museum for it here...
This is a painting by Gina Park and the motive is actually our own Jooyoung Lee!! Exhibited at One and J. Gallery.
And here is the cute gallery director Patrick Lee
Work in progress painting the outside of the gallery
This kid D-a-n-i-e-l is six years old writes and draws and speaks fluent English! We want him in our show. Eunhee is trying to flatter and convince him that we can help his future. Bjørn has prepared the contract so that we will have copyrights to anything creative and productive Daniel ever does. We all want clever Korean kids. I am convinced that in the future everything will be Korean.
Johnny Dollar is an Englishman in Seoul. A DJ, poet, web designer and artist, he will make something something something for us as well.
This photo is from Bjørn and Jan's night out on their own in Hongdae. Very few other photos exist, but it is rumoured to have been fun. It is unsure who was the most drunk.
This is actually one of the few photos from that night mentioned above.
Chasing kids!
Chasing another kid!
Fast one...
This one was slow...
The garage is a dead-end, my friend.
Jan's table in the morning.
Bjørn's table in the morning.
Hot-hot-hot. The weather is hot, that is. But nice guy too. Soooo cute!
Breakfast with Jan: Coke, cake and loaf. Korean loaf is soaked in butter and sugar, baked for a minute and served hot. Perfect with orange juice and Coca-Cola.
We all wonder how Power can make it through the day on her minimal ultra-vegetatrian diet when all she eats is a package of Pringles and drinking Cava. Here's the secret: A good proper breakfast of fibers and juice. The bills are not to eat, though they hold a lot of fibers too.
Erlend is shown here fresh and shaven in a Comme de Garcon stripy shirt and Luis Vuitton t-shirt. Simple classic breakfast of roll and coffee with orange juice.
Our paints and tools.
Hot spicy Korean recipe REVEALED!! Quite simple: Boil vegetables, add chicken, some water, chilli (just for the colour) and then a sock. Hot burning great dish.
Bjørn gets stripy.
Studio at night.
Jan, Kyungah and Erlend talking art-art-art at The Loft.
Breakfast with Bjørn is pure and refined: Dark bread with nothing to it. Not even butter for this boy no. But he will have some really strong dark coffee with cream. Yes please.
Something went awfully wrong at the architect's office - his assistant forgot to save the last version of the Auto-CAD file before sending the digital drawings off to the house shop. At least allign all 3D-sketches to the ground plane when you make a house, please. Make it easy, thanks.
This is the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Itaewon. We had a very nice meeting with the Embassador Mr Didrik Tønseth and first secretary Martin Hauge Torbergsen.
The prominent house of Paik Hae Young Gallery where Power and Erlend had rooms to stay for three nights.
Tae Eun Choi was Jan's assistant in 2004 for his show at Artsonje, where she painted a 30 meter long wall with him. She works as an interior designer and will participate in our show. She is also arranging dead cheap deals at the top five star Marriott Hotel in Seoul for us by the end of our stay. Big V and thumbs up.