전시는 12시부텀 노래잔치는 6시부터 입장료는 여전히 무료입니다.
먹을 것은 알아서 싸오세요. **따뜻한 와인도 있습니다.
유기농 음악나누기 바자회와 함께 하는 벼룩장터 놀러 오세요
누가신청을 하나요?
1.팔만한 물건(중고나 새것 모두)이 있는 사람은 남녀노소 누구나.
2.행사 당일 다른 사람들의 소중한 물건을 구경하면서 집에서 노는 아까운 물건에 새 주인을 찾아주고 싶은 사람 누구나.
무엇을 파느냐구요?1.집에 아껴두고 있는 안입는 옷과 신발, 가방
3.CD, 작은 가전제품(작동하는 것)3.디자인 컬렉션 또는 디자인 용품
4.인테리어 소품
5.작가의 소품(미술품 또는 드로잉 등)등 예쁘거나 귀엽거나 멋진 것 또는 새 주인을 기다리고 있는 쓸만한 물건이면 모두 됩니다.
Organic Music Barzaare with YOGIGA FLEA MARKET
Open call for participants of Organic Music Barzzare(a.k.a Naebang.net) with "YOGIGA Flea Market'. It will take place at the freshly established cultural space, YOGIGA,which opened just this fall.
Who can participate you ask?
1. It doesn't matter if you're old, young, or not even born yet as long as you've got something to sell (old or used).
2. This project is ideal for those who find the idea of getting to see sentimental items of strangers while finding new homes for your ownprecious items, sadly collecting dust in your home, appealing.
What are we to sell you ask?
1. Clothing, shoes, and bags which are not being used but secretly safeguarded in your homes.
2. CDs and other electronical devices, which are in working order.
3.Your dusty design collections and/or design materials.
4. Interior Decorations.
5. Artists' belongings(art materials and/or artwork)
6. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera- all your cool, wonderful, and cutsy items which need new homes.
* Individual performances are possible, for instance:
if you wish to perform instruments whilst selling them.
it is possible to reserve bulk spaces for those who wish to sell together.