Sunday, 24 June 2007

I see grey camels in the horizon

Today, at fifteen hundred hours, Power and myself were sent to collect more food and supplies for the inhabitants of Fort Banga Banga, situated at the top of the hill with plenty of green buses and people too old to dance to the gymnastic song. As the two of us desended from the steap hills of Yeonhee-Dong in our chic urban explorer gear, the black pixels from Civilizations 3 revealed traces of Pizzas lost in translation a Peter Pan bakery and numerous Korean giant-miniature-dog-cats licking windows that we had to fight of with our bare hands.
Last nights fights at the front with Erlend and Jan was still lurking at the back of my head, but as I won the stone scissor paper battle at the break of dawn, I was rewarded a soft coach, a price that would later give me the sense of well-being ( best described as feeling of a hand scratching your chest, up and down. With the nails. Not hard. But firm and wi
th confidence and compassion.)
A coach you say ? No tiles nor the floor ? Yes. A woman working in her wine bar with cats, not the MA GO - but the SUN took Jan, Erlend
and myself to her quarters last night - a refreshing experience after having slept with white and pink people on brown madrases for several nights in a row. An experience that will probably subconsciously make me buy tri-color ice cream for the rest of my life.

It`s zero-dark-thirty, and I am checking out. Tomorrow I will continue looking for a future wife for Mr. Sudoku


Anonymous said...

not SUN its SUM means island in korean. xx

powerekroth said...

Well, in my book you deserve the whitest camel so far, Bjørn, always smirking your Caribbean trickster-smile away under the multi-tasking umbrella.