Thursday, 12 July 2007

pre-opening sounds from the radio

In Yeonhee-dong 195,
the pre-opening(3/July/2007) sounds
flow from the radio, 4/July/2007-12/July/2007.


Jan said...

Yeah! Great post! Sounds great! :) The sound of Seoul-soul. Peace.

powerekroth said...

NICE! Thanx!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting again as i have deleted by mistake!! have a nice trip to Japan. i will make sure your radio works properly. hope it works out well while you are away.

Erlend Hammer said...

Thanks for putting up the sound-clip, Jin! I love how every time we go to the blog now, we get a re-run of Lina talking about the differences in Japanese and Korean alphabets.

jinjookim said...

It's my pleasure!!! And the differences in Japanese and Korean alphabets sound really interesting, too!
(Jooyoung, it's okay. anyway thank you so much. ^^)