지난 금요일 28일 저녁 세번째 유기농 음악 바자회사진들입니다. 다들 참여해주셔서 감사하고요. 2008년 다음달 마지막 금요일에 또 합니다. 그날은 3시부터시작하니 많은 참여 기대합니다.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Pics from the 3rd organic bazaare with Flea Market @Yogiga
지난 금요일 28일 저녁 세번째 유기농 음악 바자회사진들입니다. 다들 참여해주셔서 감사하고요. 2008년 다음달 마지막 금요일에 또 합니다. 그날은 3시부터시작하니 많은 참여 기대합니다.
Monday, 17 December 2007
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Pics from the 2nd organic music bazaare with Flea Market @Yogiga
I'm so looking forward to the next flea market the end of this months!! Thanks to everyone!!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
2nd Organic Music Bazaare with Flea Market at Yogiga this friday 6pm

전시는 12시부텀 노래잔치는 6시부터 입장료는 여전히 무료입니다.
먹을 것은 알아서 싸오세요. **따뜻한 와인도 있습니다.
유기농 음악나누기 바자회와 함께 하는 벼룩장터 놀러 오세요
누가신청을 하나요?
1.팔만한 물건(중고나 새것 모두)이 있는 사람은 남녀노소 누구나.
2.행사 당일 다른 사람들의 소중한 물건을 구경하면서 집에서 노는 아까운 물건에 새 주인을 찾아주고 싶은 사람 누구나.
무엇을 파느냐구요?1.집에 아껴두고 있는 안입는 옷과 신발, 가방
3.CD, 작은 가전제품(작동하는 것)3.디자인 컬렉션 또는 디자인 용품
4.인테리어 소품
5.작가의 소품(미술품 또는 드로잉 등)등 예쁘거나 귀엽거나 멋진 것 또는 새 주인을 기다리고 있는 쓸만한 물건이면 모두 됩니다.
Organic Music Barzaare with YOGIGA FLEA MARKET
Open call for participants of Organic Music Barzzare(a.k.a Naebang.net) with "YOGIGA Flea Market'. It will take place at the freshly established cultural space, YOGIGA,which opened just this fall.
Who can participate you ask?
1. It doesn't matter if you're old, young, or not even born yet as long as you've got something to sell (old or used).
2. This project is ideal for those who find the idea of getting to see sentimental items of strangers while finding new homes for your ownprecious items, sadly collecting dust in your home, appealing.
What are we to sell you ask?
1. Clothing, shoes, and bags which are not being used but secretly safeguarded in your homes.
2. CDs and other electronical devices, which are in working order.
3.Your dusty design collections and/or design materials.
4. Interior Decorations.
5. Artists' belongings(art materials and/or artwork)
6. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera- all your cool, wonderful, and cutsy items which need new homes.
* Individual performances are possible, for instance:
if you wish to perform instruments whilst selling them.
it is possible to reserve bulk spaces for those who wish to sell together.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
More pics from Yogiga
Saturday, 3 November 2007
APAP performance

check this out.
u guys can see Jooyoung's great performer below!!

Friday, 26 October 2007
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Kimchi alla Stockholm
I am in Stockholm visiting the Power. Today we walked all over town looking at mostly boring art. Then we found a korean grocery store where they had all sorts of exciting stuff. Power bought some metal chopsticks and we got some kimchi. The kimchi was very good! Much better than my super-sceptical look would suggest...
Monday, 8 October 2007
What is this?

I am in Stockholm visiting the Power and on my way here today, I discovered, in one of the outer pockets of my Sonar-bag, a small, folded paper hat or boat on some kind of glossy Korean paper.

Obviously someone has folded me this hat or boat, and I have put it in my bag (I'm guessing during our first three-week visit as I didn't carry my bag around much during visit number two.), but then forgotten about it. So what I'm wondering is where did this come from? And I apologize for not remembering the paper hat or boat's origin. It's very cool.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Went to Jongro to eat some spicy octopus after the opening!!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Pics from the last week
Jan and Tony doing some kind of martial arts at the opening of Roni Horn's at Kukje gallery.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
보낸 사람: Jan Christensen
보낸 날짜:2007년 10월 4일 목요일 오후 4:42:01
Dear friends,
I have been back here in Seoul for a few days. It has
been extremely hectic and just a lot of work and I simply
have not had time to sit down and write or call.
Please find the press release attached.
Hope to see you all!
All the best, Jan
보낸 사람: info tomorrow(info.tomorrow@gmail.com)
보낸 날짜:2007년 10월 2일 화요일 오전 9:58:22
받는 사람:
Dear Friends,
From October 4th at Kumho Museum of Art and Artsonje Center in Seoul, I am excited to be inaugurating a new project entitled Tomorrow. Realised with the collaboration David Ross, Dan Cameron, a dedicated team of young coordinators and curators, and 32 exciting artists, Tomorrow offers challenges to the impossible, probes utopia and shares dreams and visions that may not otherwise find space in the context of contemporary society. In the first realisation of this project here in Seoul, Tomorrow is the main event of Platform - Seoul, a collaborative festival put on by Samuso in collaboration with the galleries and museums of Seoul's Bukchon neighbourhood. Intended as the beginning of a conversation, I really hope that this project can carry on into the future, travel to different places and become a geographically transient platform for the exploration of post-national possibilities of cultural language. If you have a chance to be in Seoul between October 4th and December 2nd, please be to stop by and see what we are beginning. Attached is the official press release with more details about the project, and below are contents of the same. I hope to see some of you here.
Warmest Regards,
Sunjung Kim
Artsonje Center (October 6 – December 2, 2007)
Kumho Museum of Art (October 6 – November 4, 2007)
Seoul, Korea
Participating Artists
Alexandre Arrechea, Lee Bul, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Jeonghwa Choi, Jan Christensen, Democracia, Cao Fei, Liam Gillick, Jens Haaning, Pierre Huyghe, Long March, Sarah Morris, Antonio Muntadas, Inhwan Oh, Mai-Thu Perret, Sergio Prego, Navin Rawanchaikul, Tobias Rehberger, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Tino Seghal, Bruno Serralongue, Shimabuku, Doho Suh, Tadasu Takamine, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Ozawa Tsuyoshi & Chen Shaoxiong & Gimhongsok, Lim Tzay Chuen, Haegue Yang, and Xu Zhen
Director's Statement
The perception of time keeps changing. Living in a totally different pace from the past, we just focus on the present in rapid daily life. However, the most important thing at this moment is the prospect of the future.
Tomorrow intends to create a chance to view the future with hope and vision.
This will offer the vision toward the bright future through diverse activities organized by communities. In addition, Tomorrow will look at the future with infinite possibility by means of searching for ideal fictions and looking into the power that forms the shape of the future.
Possibility in shifting society offers hope, but at the same time it asks that responsibility be taken. The future gains infinite possibility to change in any direction, depending on the choices we make. Tomorrow will look into upcoming changes in this context. Everything becomes re-considered with shifted valuation. The more diverse changes and developments occur, the more enlarged possibilities our society will have. One of the prominent changes is the increase of communities. As the nation gets smaller and private citizens extend their power, the community develops as a concomitant phenomenon. While the great discourses are dismantled, new proposals in relation to activities of communities could be made as an alternative way.
In the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian avant-garde artists sought for Utopia through their works. The artists in Tomorrow propose 'challenges to the impossible'. With Tomorrow artworks we will share dreams, visions and fantasies that cannot be allowed in 'reality'.
Motivation and Outline
Large-scale contemporary art exhibitions and fairs have become territories of state initiated or market driven spectacle meant for bureaucratic, political and economic ends. In such contexts artists, curators and other cultural actors must struggle against being cast as public relations, propaganda or money-making tools. It is in the midst of such struggles that the cultural possibility of our age is being distorted and defined.
With Sunjung Kim's 2006 exhibition and film programme Somewhere in Time as its prelude Tomorrow is an independent attempt to bring global art and local community together to engage in a cultural conversation less encumbered by the standard prerogatives of state and market. Intended to be more a mobile, multi-local conversation than a traveling show Tomorrow's fluid crew of internationally active artists, film makers, curators and others will work in conjunction with partners in various localities to realize visual and verbal manifestations that explore human approaches to the unknown moment: Tomorrow.
In its inaugural manifestation in Seoul Tomorrow's primary aim is to be an interactive platform that engages various sectors of the local audience in a conversation about possibility. To achieve this the multi-media contemporary art exhibition is accompanied by more than a month of public programmes including: video screenings, a symposium, artists talks and various other events including a sunrise breakfast hosted by Berlin-based artist Shimabuku.
Under the title of Is Tomorrow A Better Day? the initiative was originally conceived in the ashes of the Korea at ARCO affair - when Sunjung Kim, along with her co-organisers including Dan Cameron and David Ross among others, was pushed out of her position as curator and commissioner of artistic programmes for Korea's national representation at ARCO'07. At that time directly confronted with the limitations that the tendencies and imperatives of state can impose on contemporary artistic expression Sunjung Kim and her team felt a very tangible need to clear a path towards a better way. And the result is this experiment we now call Tomorrow, an endeavour that hopes to become a geographically transient, yet enduring outpost for the free development of language in the context of a cultural conversation that grasps for the yet under-realised possibilities of post-national community.
Website (beta): istomorrowabetterday.wordpress.com
Contact: info.tomorrow@gmail.com
Artsonje Center
43 Gamgodang-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-200
Open : 11:00-19:00 Tuesday,Wednesday, Sunday
11:00 - 21:00 Thursday ~ Saturday
Closed on Mondays
Tel: +82 - 2 - 733 - 8945
Fax: +82 - 2 - 733 - 8377
Kumho Museum of Art
78 Sagan-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-190
Tel: (02) 720-5114
Open : 11:00-19:00 Tuesday ~ Sunday
Closed on Mondays
URL: www.kumhomuseum.com
The organizers of Tomorrow are proud to have the sponsorship and support of ISU Chemical Hyundaicard Co., Ltd, NHN Corp. (Naver), Asiana Airlines, Inc., Centre Culturel Francais, and Pro Helvetia.
Tomorrow is a new cultural project Curated and Directed by Sunjung Kim; produced by SAMUSO: Space for Contemporary Art; Associate Curator - David Ross; Advising Curator - Dan Cameron; Assistant Curators – Tyler Russell & Seungmin Yoo
보낸 사람: Jan Christensen
보낸 날짜:2007년 10월 4일 목요일 오후 4:42:01
Dear friends,
I have been back here in Seoul for a few days. It has
been extremely hectic and just a lot of work and I simply
have not had time to sit down and write or call.
Please find the press release attached.
Hope to see you all!
All the best, Jan
보낸 사람: info tomorrow(info.tomorrow@gmail.com)
보낸 날짜:2007년 10월 2일 화요일 오전 9:58:22
받는 사람:
Dear Friends,
From October 4th at Kumho Museum of Art and Artsonje Center in Seoul, I am excited to be inaugurating a new project entitled Tomorrow. Realised with the collaboration David Ross, Dan Cameron, a dedicated team of young coordinators and curators, and 32 exciting artists, Tomorrow offers challenges to the impossible, probes utopia and shares dreams and visions that may not otherwise find space in the context of contemporary society. In the first realisation of this project here in Seoul, Tomorrow is the main event of Platform - Seoul, a collaborative festival put on by Samuso in collaboration with the galleries and museums of Seoul's Bukchon neighbourhood. Intended as the beginning of a conversation, I really hope that this project can carry on into the future, travel to different places and become a geographically transient platform for the exploration of post-national possibilities of cultural language. If you have a chance to be in Seoul between October 4th and December 2nd, please be to stop by and see what we are beginning. Attached is the official press release with more details about the project, and below are contents of the same. I hope to see some of you here.
Warmest Regards,
Sunjung Kim
Artsonje Center (October 6 – December 2, 2007)
Kumho Museum of Art (October 6 – November 4, 2007)
Seoul, Korea
Participating Artists
Alexandre Arrechea, Lee Bul, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Jeonghwa Choi, Jan Christensen, Democracia, Cao Fei, Liam Gillick, Jens Haaning, Pierre Huyghe, Long March, Sarah Morris, Antonio Muntadas, Inhwan Oh, Mai-Thu Perret, Sergio Prego, Navin Rawanchaikul, Tobias Rehberger, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Tino Seghal, Bruno Serralongue, Shimabuku, Doho Suh, Tadasu Takamine, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Ozawa Tsuyoshi & Chen Shaoxiong & Gimhongsok, Lim Tzay Chuen, Haegue Yang, and Xu Zhen
Director's Statement
The perception of time keeps changing. Living in a totally different pace from the past, we just focus on the present in rapid daily life. However, the most important thing at this moment is the prospect of the future.
Tomorrow intends to create a chance to view the future with hope and vision.
This will offer the vision toward the bright future through diverse activities organized by communities. In addition, Tomorrow will look at the future with infinite possibility by means of searching for ideal fictions and looking into the power that forms the shape of the future.
Possibility in shifting society offers hope, but at the same time it asks that responsibility be taken. The future gains infinite possibility to change in any direction, depending on the choices we make. Tomorrow will look into upcoming changes in this context. Everything becomes re-considered with shifted valuation. The more diverse changes and developments occur, the more enlarged possibilities our society will have. One of the prominent changes is the increase of communities. As the nation gets smaller and private citizens extend their power, the community develops as a concomitant phenomenon. While the great discourses are dismantled, new proposals in relation to activities of communities could be made as an alternative way.
In the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian avant-garde artists sought for Utopia through their works. The artists in Tomorrow propose 'challenges to the impossible'. With Tomorrow artworks we will share dreams, visions and fantasies that cannot be allowed in 'reality'.
Motivation and Outline
Large-scale contemporary art exhibitions and fairs have become territories of state initiated or market driven spectacle meant for bureaucratic, political and economic ends. In such contexts artists, curators and other cultural actors must struggle against being cast as public relations, propaganda or money-making tools. It is in the midst of such struggles that the cultural possibility of our age is being distorted and defined.
With Sunjung Kim's 2006 exhibition and film programme Somewhere in Time as its prelude Tomorrow is an independent attempt to bring global art and local community together to engage in a cultural conversation less encumbered by the standard prerogatives of state and market. Intended to be more a mobile, multi-local conversation than a traveling show Tomorrow's fluid crew of internationally active artists, film makers, curators and others will work in conjunction with partners in various localities to realize visual and verbal manifestations that explore human approaches to the unknown moment: Tomorrow.
In its inaugural manifestation in Seoul Tomorrow's primary aim is to be an interactive platform that engages various sectors of the local audience in a conversation about possibility. To achieve this the multi-media contemporary art exhibition is accompanied by more than a month of public programmes including: video screenings, a symposium, artists talks and various other events including a sunrise breakfast hosted by Berlin-based artist Shimabuku.
Under the title of Is Tomorrow A Better Day? the initiative was originally conceived in the ashes of the Korea at ARCO affair - when Sunjung Kim, along with her co-organisers including Dan Cameron and David Ross among others, was pushed out of her position as curator and commissioner of artistic programmes for Korea's national representation at ARCO'07. At that time directly confronted with the limitations that the tendencies and imperatives of state can impose on contemporary artistic expression Sunjung Kim and her team felt a very tangible need to clear a path towards a better way. And the result is this experiment we now call Tomorrow, an endeavour that hopes to become a geographically transient, yet enduring outpost for the free development of language in the context of a cultural conversation that grasps for the yet under-realised possibilities of post-national community.
Website (beta): istomorrowabetterday.wordpress.com
Contact: info.tomorrow@gmail.com
43 Gamgodang-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-200
Open : 11:00-19:00 Tuesday,Wednesday, Sunday
11:00 - 21:00 Thursday ~ Saturday
Closed on Mondays
Tel: +82 - 2 - 733 - 8945
Fax: +82 - 2 - 733 - 8377
Kumho Museum of Art
78 Sagan-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-190
Tel: (02) 720-5114
Open : 11:00-19:00 Tuesday ~ Sunday
Closed on Mondays
URL: www.kumhomuseum.com
The organizers of Tomorrow are proud to have the sponsorship and support of ISU Chemical Hyundaicard Co., Ltd, NHN Corp. (Naver), Asiana Airlines, Inc., Centre Culturel Francais, and Pro Helvetia.
Tomorrow is a new cultural project Curated and Directed by Sunjung Kim; produced by SAMUSO: Space for Contemporary Art; Associate Curator - David Ross; Advising Curator - Dan Cameron; Assistant Curators – Tyler Russell & Seungmin Yoo
Friday, 28 September 2007
Korean Mobile Phone
I have now got the mobile from Jooyoung, so I am reachable, call me, see if I am free. :) I will be using it until October 7.
Since I got in two days ago I have just been working and preparing for the actual work (two wall paintings). I am a bit jetlagged again (guess I am getting old) and time doesn't seem to stretch enough...
Since I got in two days ago I have just been working and preparing for the actual work (two wall paintings). I am a bit jetlagged again (guess I am getting old) and time doesn't seem to stretch enough...
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Back in Seoul
Dear friends,
I am back in Seoul. I just arrived yesterday.
Staying in Samuso's little house on top of
a mountain behind Artsonje, Hwa-dong.
it's going to be hectic. I don't have a
cellphone yet, but hope to have the one Power
and Bjørn and Erlend used this summer, when I
meet Jooyoung. I will post that number then.
I do not have internet access where I am
staying and probably don't have time to go
online at Samuso's during the day, but
I will try check my mail now and then.
But there is a phone in my house, where I
can be reached at night, feel free to call
any time :)
Hope to see you all around one of the days!
Best, Jan
I am back in Seoul. I just arrived yesterday.
Staying in Samuso's little house on top of
a mountain behind Artsonje, Hwa-dong.
it's going to be hectic. I don't have a
cellphone yet, but hope to have the one Power
and Bjørn and Erlend used this summer, when I
meet Jooyoung. I will post that number then.
I do not have internet access where I am
staying and probably don't have time to go
online at Samuso's during the day, but
I will try check my mail now and then.
But there is a phone in my house, where I
can be reached at night, feel free to call
any time :)
Hope to see you all around one of the days!
Best, Jan
Friday, 21 September 2007
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